Taking the city of Everett to task & dealing with corruption in govt

I have big big big plans for my future: Most of that involves getting the people who are running this city & county out of office or unemployed. My issue started with: 1) An ignorant prejudice portly animal control officer ~ Lori Trask, Lemaire, Staib Carlon 2) A POS shelter manager & assistant manager ~… Read More Taking the city of Everett to task & dealing with corruption in govt

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I hope the city of Everett idiots are wetting themselves: They should be

Okay now if everyone here remembers I told you that the city of Everett employees are actually responsible for everything that they’ve done. So not only is the city in the county and the state liable but they are as well. So basically they’re all sitting in their own piles of crap right this moment.… Read More I hope the city of Everett idiots are wetting themselves: They should be

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Now everyone knows that everyone else knows… I don’t know what else to do :~(

In my frustration I sent an email to everyone I could think of… The ONLY response I got was from the Washington State Bar Association that said they don’t take grievances via email! If you have any questions as to why corruption is SO RAMPANT in our state then refer back to my blog. Any… Read More Now everyone knows that everyone else knows… I don’t know what else to do :~(

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Here is another dog that was murdered by Everett Animal Control that no one cared for…

Here is another soul that the city snuffed out. This is always the way they have operated, it is how they have treated so many dogs, this is from 2008 & it has only gotten worse. I can not comment much further, the whole story is laid out below & it just breaks my heart… Read More Here is another dog that was murdered by Everett Animal Control that no one cared for…

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This is how cruel the Everett Animal Shelter Manager can be…

This is what makes your shelter manager’s life fun: Either killing animals or pretending they are dead… They picked up a disabled woman’s dogs & told her they had killed them after she tried in vain to get the money to “bail” them out. Lo & behold they ended up at another rescue. Instead of… Read More This is how cruel the Everett Animal Shelter Manager can be…

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Mexicans & Pitbulls not allowed… or maybe a little bit of Arizona envy? (Part Dos)

YOU HAD TO KNOW THERE WAS GOING TO BE A PART TWO! As long as there is biased reporting there will always be those precious little gems of ignorance… As you know I have IP trackers on my page, so in “reply” the Herald writer wrote this little “follow up”. You know: To PROVE what… Read More Mexicans & Pitbulls not allowed… or maybe a little bit of Arizona envy? (Part Dos)

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